Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Homemade Liquid Automatic Dishwasher Soap

Things I hate spending money on: laundry detergent, automatic dishwasher soap, dish soap, and toilet paper. Here's a way to tackle one of those!

I finally found a LIQUID homemade recipe for your dishwasher. Took me forever! Here is the pictures of my journey but I will post the link in which I found the recipe.

16 cups of water divided
1 1/2 cups of WASHING soda (not baking)
1 cup of Borax
1/2 cup of Dr Bronner's Pure Liquid Castile Soap

Step One: Boil 8 cups of water

 Step Two: Add the Soap, Soda, and Borax stir until dissolved. Then add remaining 8 cups of water and allow to cool.
 Step Three: Pour into recycled bottles that you have lying around. Mine doesn't look as "milky" as hers but she says it will "gel up" in about 24 hours as it cools. I'll let you know! She recommends a tablespoon per load with VINEGAR as a rinse aid. Again I will update when I use it as well.
Cost is $3.00 per gallon of this stuff and if you really only have to use a tablespoon this should last FOREVER. Works out to .02  per oz.  She says to mix well before you use each time.


  1. Hope it works out as well for you as me!!! :)

  2. Aww Thank you! So for so good! It did gel and I'm keeping it in the fridge. First load was a total success! Dishes were clean and less residue than regular dishwashing fluid!

  3. Did you get the specific ingredients listed? Where did you find them?

  4. I don't know how you figure $3.00/gallon when the Dr. Bronner's is about $8 for 8 oz. You use 1/2 of that to make this recipe. Where do you get it cheap enough to make this stuff?

  5. My dishes turned out with a cloudy residue all over them. Any suggestions?
